Nadeshda Udaltsova





Nadezhda Udaltsova was born in Orel (Russia) in 1886 and lived in Moscow from 1892.

Between 1905 and 1908 she attended K. Iuon’s and I. Dudin’s drawing and painting school.

In 1909 Udaltsova continued studies at the studio of Kish, a disciple of Simon Hollósi. In 1911–1912 she worked at La Palette studio in Paris under the supervision of H. Le Fauconnier, J. Metzinger and A. de Segonzac.

Upon her return to Moscow Udaltsova took part in the 1914 exhibition of the ‘Knave of Diamonds’, in the ‘Leftist Trends’ and ‘Tram V’ exhibitions of 1915 in Petersburg and the ‘0.10’ exhibition of 1916.

After 1917 she actively exhibited at home and abroad, was involved in the reorganisation of artistic education in Moscow, and taught at the First State Free Studios (1918–1920), VKhUTEMAS –VKhUTEIN (1921–1930), the Moscow Textile Institute (1932–1934) and the Moscow Institute of Graphic Arts and Publishing (1932–1934).

Udaltsova visited the Urals (1926–1928), the Altai (1930) and Armenia (1933 – 1934) to collect material for her works. She died in 1961.

Her paintings and graphic works are kept in the State Tretiakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and many other museums and private collections inside and outside Russia.

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